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Nautilus Book Award medal

2020 Nautilus Book Award for Memoir, Gold

Indie Book Award medal
2021 Next Generation Indie Book Award for Memoir, Finalist
Living Now Book Award medal
2021 Living Now Book Award, Silver

The Nautilus Book Awards are awarded based on the mission of “Better Books for a Better World”. Selections are made from a large pool of international entries through a highly juried selection process. Previous winners include Deepak Chopra, M.D., Thich Nhat Hanh, Eckhart Tolle, Desmond Tutu and His Holiness the Dalai Lama.


Flashback Girl: Lessons on Resilience from a Burn Survivor

At the age of four, Dr. Lise Deguire suffered third-degree burns on 65% of her body as the result of both maternal and corporate negligence. Against the odds, she lived through the trauma, beginning decades of treatment as a burn survivor…and this is just part of her compelling story.


Dr. Deguire brings you into the dysfunctional and tragic world of her family, which includes artistic genius, narcissistic and neglectful parents, eccentricity, and four suicides. Most importantly, she explains her long but ultimately triumphant path towards love, health, and life satisfaction.

Some chapters of this gripping life journey focus on early events, including the story of the fire, her years of hospitalization for reconstructive surgeries, bullying, and social isolation. Other chapters focus on her adult life, such as her struggles to find romantic love, being a parent, and her work as a clinical psychologist.


The voice of Flashback Girl is warm and engaging. Despite the seriousness of the subject, the tone of the memoir is positive and humorous, without self-pity. This book inspires those who suffer life’s challenges to maintain hope and to keep pushing on despite seemingly insurmountable hurdles. 

Praise for Flashback Girl


“Flashback Girl is a riveting, compassionately-told story of grit and fortitude. As a childhood burn victim, and now, as a mental health professional (and wife and mother), it’s hard to imagine anyone better qualified than Lise Deguire to help teach us lessons in resilience."


John Hanc, New York Times contributor and co-author of the award-winning memoir, "Your Heart, My Hands"

“Flashback Girl is an astounding story of survival and triumph. Deguire’s resilience shines as a beacon of hope for anyone who struggles; her self-deprecating humor, wise insights, and astonishing story make for a gripping read.  I could not put the book down.  A moving tribute to the indomitable human spirit.” 

 Martha W. Murphy, award-winning author and editor, including co-author of "The Un-Prescription for Autism"

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