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How are You Coping?: Building Resilience Skills (Part 3)
In week seven of quarantine, how are you managing your time? Are you contemplating new projects around your home? Catching up with old...
O is for Optimism: Building Resilience Skills (Part 2)
When Mister Rogers was a little boy and not yet a Mister, he found current events frightening. According to the news, tragedies were...
Finding Gratitude in a Desolate Time: Building Resilience Skills (Part 1)
For the last year, I have been speaking about psychological resilience, almost by accident. I didn’t really intend to lecture; I started...
Five Grounding Tips for a Strange Time
We live in a quarantined area, and have been instructed to stay home as much as possible. I have never been so grateful to live in a...
Why Your Therapist Can't Be Your Friend
Have you ever fantasized about being friends with your therapist? She smiles when you arrive, and she truly likes you. Her eyes shine...
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Norman Rockwell was a Liar
Are you excited about Thanksgiving? Are you looking forward to getting together with your whole family, because you always have a great...
Flashback Girl Feels Sad
It began with exhaustion. I have been on a whirlwind schedule for two years now, treating my clients during the week, writing or speaking...
Flashback Girl Interviews Herself
Welcome to the new followers who have recently come on board. I thought it would be good to re-introduce myself and my work for those of...
A Whole New (Burn) World
I spent three days at my own personal Disney Land last week. In truth, I stayed just two miles away from the actual Disney Land, but I...
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Over the River and Through the Woods: Our Dinner Tour Begins
“We should start a Dinner Tour,” said my husband. “What? What’s a Dinner Tour? It sounds like we are Led Zeppelin, combined with a dinner...
When Mother Doesn't Know Best
I used to love P.D. Eastman’s book, Are You My Mother? The story was about a baby bird whose mother was nowhere to be found when he...
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What is an "Internal Locus of Control" and How do You Get One?
When disappointments befall you, what do you think? Do you mutter, “Of course, it’s just my luck.” Or, “Nothing ever works out for me.”...
How to Manage Crushing Disappointment
I had this blog all planned. I was set to announce that I finally had secured a publisher for my memoir, Flashback Girl: Lessons on...
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