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How I met TED
“You should do a TED talk,” a literary agent suggested, as I blinked at her. “A TED talk? What would I even talk about? And how do you...
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Darkness Descends; An Ode to Joy
It crept in like a low fog, so lightly that I didn’t notice it beginning to swirl around me. A vague unease, a weighty sigh. The sun...

The everyday grief of an "obsolete" mom
What is the reward of being a good mother to a blessedly healthy child? They leave you. How could it all be gone? Where did it go?
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"I was just lucky:" Women, please stop saying these words
Are you trying to raise a strong daughter? Are you trying to be a strong woman? How we talk about our successes is so important.
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Road Trips Are Never What We Expect
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." — Marcel Proust Guest Author: Pat Wetzel...
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My Worst Fear: Public Speaking (to Nobody)
What do you do when your worst fear actually happens?

How This Grinch Forgave Her Mother (Mostly)
“Have you forgiven your mother?” Oddly, this gut-wrenching, intensely personal question follows me wherever I go. I am a psychologist and...
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Dreams Past; Goals Ahead
“A goal is a dream with its work boots on. A goal is a dream you’ve decided to make real.” Rachel Hollis. I turned 60 last month....

The Problem with "Women Talking"
Sarah Polley’s Women Talking is a beautiful ensemble piece, in which women gather to discuss how to handle a violent crisis. The...
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Disfigurement: A Call for Awareness
(republished, with permission, from the Pennsylvania Psychologist) When I was four years old, I survived a fire which burned away my...
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