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Angels who leave Christmas trees
When I was four years old, an angel left me my very own Christmas tree. I lay on a soft twin bed, tucked in the corner of a wood-paneled...
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Life at an Artists' Residency, (Which is and isn't just like Camp)
Yesterday I sat down mid-afternoon, under a robin’s egg blue sky, gazing at the treetops beginning to turn yellow and red. I picked up my...
Searching for "The Roses Man"
I met “The Roses Man” when I was 5 or 6 years old, attending Franklin Elementary School in East Orange, New Jersey. I was freshly...
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How the Witch Became a Model
When I was five, my heaven was a tiny dusty theater at Upsala College in East Orange, New Jersey. My father taught music history there....
How I met TED
“You should do a TED talk,” a literary agent suggested, as I blinked at her. “A TED talk? What would I even talk about? And how do you...
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What is Your Purpose?
What brings meaning to your life? I am not asking because I have the right answer. I am asking because I want you to have an answer, an...
The Bottom of the World Bubble
Remember people? I’m not talking about your family or close friends. I’m talking humanity, unknown people. Drinking in a bar and talking...
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