“Flashback Girl is a riveting, compassionately-told story of grit and fortitude. As a childhood burn victim, and now, as a mental health professional (and wife and mother), it’s hard to imagine anyone better qualified than Lise Deguire to help teach us lessons in resilience."
— John Hanc, New York Times contributor and co-author of the award-winning memoir, Your Heart, My Hands
"It may be difficult to imagine how the devastating experience of severe burns could be uplifting, but Lise Deguire has managed to bring light, hope, and strength to her personal story. Flashback Girl takes us on her journey from horror to healing, showing us how courage, acceptance, and love guided her every step of the way."
— Barbara Ravage, author of Burn Unit: Saving Lives after the Flames
“Flashback Girl is an astounding story of survival and triumph. Deguire’s resilience shines as a beacon of hope for anyone who struggles; her self-deprecating humor, wise insights, and astonishing story make for a gripping read. I could not put the book down. A moving tribute to the indomitable human spirit.”
— Martha W. Murphy, award-winning author and editor,including co-author of The Un-Prescription for Autism
“Flashback Girl is a story of hope and resilience. Deguire does a beautiful job conveying her pain, both physical and emotional, while leaving the reader inspired by her unwavering courage and strength.”
— Beth Schulman, author of The Gold Mailbox, a memoir; and Rosie, The Practically Perfect Puppy, a children's book
"To call Flashback Girl inspiring is an understatement. Lise Deguire's carefully crafted sentences invite intimacy and pull the reader through this memoir of narrative medicine with momentum. I'd recommend this book to anyone who feels that all hope is lost; Lise Deguire teaches readers how to open and bare their souls, to a place deep beneath our fragile skin."
— Miri Jaffe, Associate Teaching Professor of Writing; Narrative Activist, author of Spirituality in Mental Health Practice
"Flashback Girl is Dr. Deguire's deeply personal memoir written to share her personal journey as a burn survivor and the lessons of resilience she learned on her lifelong road to recovery. Told with great urgency and honesty, it is a compelling and affecting story."
— Susan Gregory Johnson, author of Hey, White Girl!
"Dr. Deguire's story is incredible, and her telling of it in the book is moving - I found myself choking up at times. It is a page-turner! And yet it is written with a light touch, including valuable sessions on surviving trauma at the end of each chapter. I think it would be helpful for people who have experienced trauma, especially in their childhoods, to read this. And I mean Trauma with a capital T, such as the author's severe burns in a terrible fire, and also chronic trauma with a small t, such as a childhood with narcissistic and emotionally toxic parents, as the author also describes vividly here. I’ve been thinking about patients who might benefit from reading it, as both validation of their experience, and also because of the valuable lessons in resilience that it holds. And it also makes a powerful case for the critical importance and helpfulness of psychotherapy."
— Jeffrey H. Axelbank, Psy.D., N.J.P.A. Psychologist of the Year, 2011